Indoor Combined Events Tallinn
3-4 February 2024
2024 will be the 15th edition of Indoor Combined Events Tallinn. The competition is held at Lasnamäe Indoor Arena.
Over the years there have been many world class athletes among the participants, the highlight being in 2011 when Ashton Eaton set a new world record in heptathlon (6568 points).
Some of the bigger names around the world who have competed in Tallinn are Trey Hardee, Roman Šebrle, Thomas Van der Plaetsen, Oleksiy Kasyanov, Kai Kazmirek, Adrianna Sułek, Laura Ikauniece etc.
In addition, the best Estonian multi-eventers take part in this competition as the Estonian Champions are crowned. Some of the well-known Estonians who have competed in this event are Maicel Uibo, Janek Õiglane, Mikk Pahapill and Risto Lillemets.
2023 Photo gallery: Day 1 | Day 2 (photographer: Marko Mumm/Estonian Athletic Association)

Maakri 23
10145 Tallinn